Do you have thousands of digital images stored away on your hard drive, assorted CDs, DVDs, and flashdrives? (Me too. Gulp.) Let’s get those photos out of the dark and into the light–and on display, where you and your family can see them every day! I’m so excited to share that I have a new tool that will help us create a custom wall art collection.

Mother baby photos in nursery

I’ve mocked up a number of examples here, combining stock room photos, and family photos from previous sessions. During our ordering session, I’ll mock up some samples with your images, using photos of your actual rooms.

black and white family photos in living room

I have some templates to begin with, but we can create whatever works best for your home. You’ll be able to see how different photos and sizes work together, and you’ll see them as actual size on your actual walls! If you already have a display wall (hurray!), we can see which images from our session will work best to add to what’s already there.

happy child portraits in stairwell

Living room, kitchen, stairwell, baby nursery, playroom, bedroom–anywhere is a great space to display your beautiful family photographs! We’ll work together to create display and gallery options, and make sure that your images don’t get forgotten or abandoned on your computer somewhere.

square family portraits in kids roomvibrant family photos above fireplace