Mr and Mrs B celebrated their FIFTIETH anniversary this summer! Isn’t that amazing and an incredible achievement? Congratulations to them!!


To make it an even sweeter time, the entire extended family–the grown children and grandchildren–all gathered together at the coast to spend a week together. With busy kids’ schedules and travel from other states, it’s not often that *everyone* can be together, so it was extra special time.

I joined them one afternoon at their rental house in Lincoln City, just steps away from the beach. The group was decked out in special t-shirts–each family unit had a different color shirt, with the grandkids’ shirts including their ‘number’ order, and the grandparents’ shirts were extra special, as you can see. 🙂


We started with the big-group photos, and as a bonus, they borrowed this giant 50 from some neighbors who were also celebrating a fiftieth anniversary. What a fun prop! Then we got the grandparents and grandkids together, and finally just the grandkids, in number order. 🙂




Back up at the house, we did a few photos of Mr and Mrs B together. Do you just love them? Look how adorable they still are together, after fifty years together! Amazing role models.

They were also telling me about their adventures traveling up and down the West Coast–Mrs B is a nature photographer and has been working on a multi-year project to photograph native plants and grasses that tribes use for baskets and other goods. Isn’t that fascinating? I love the idea and that they get to make a lot of road trips during the year. 🙂



We also got a few quick shots of Kayleen and Jason’s family. Seriously adorable, aren’t they??


Thank you all again–It was a privilege to commemorate such a beautiful family together for so long! Congratulations again!

If you have a special event that you and your family is celebrating together, I would love to document it! Give me a call and tell me all about it.