My friend Liz needed some portraits done. She’s an amazing food photographer (check out her blog and portfolio) and is contributing to several different sites, but without a bio photo. So we spent a few hours walking around Brooklyn taking some beautiful portraits. She let me use her amazing set-up–Canon 5D Mark II and 85mm f/1.2L lens (Want!). We ended up with *so* many great shots that it felt nearly impossible to narrow them down. Here are a choice few of my favorites:
All this time you’ve been on here, and I never knew.
Wonderful images.
Great job Julie!
You would never know from these photos how terribly unphotogenic I am. You just multiplied my stock of good photos by about a million – thanks so much!!
gorgeous photos Julie!
thank you so much everyone!
and liz–i think these photos prove your phonogeniality pretty well! 🙂