Michelle is a mama friend of mine–a group of us were pregnant at the same time, and her first (adorable) son is only a couple weeks older than my twins. She’s the first of our group to be having a second baby, and we’re all excited for her and her sweet family! She was 38 weeks pregnant on the day of our shoot, and still walking around normally, even up and down a big flight of stairs! I was practically immobile by 35 weeks, so I’m in awe by pregnant women who continue to move around so well. She said that with this pregnancy, she’s got a good amount of energy and hasn’t gained as much weight, since she’s chasing a toddler around all day. Makes sense! But even so, I think she looks amazing.
We met at Mt Tabor — from the park, the sun sets over the western reservoirs, with downtown Portland in the background. We got there at the perfect time, the beautiful golden hour right before sunset, and I was practically dancing. I mean, look at that light–OH, THE LIGHT!–and that perfectly round baby belly! Michelle never did maternity photography done with her first pregnancy, so I was really excited to capture this one for her. I hope that Michelle and both of her sons treasure these for a long time.
Very happy ending: Michelle had her baby Lio one day past her due date–congratulations to the newly-expanded family!!