Natalie, Ryan & Griffin: Tualatin Family Photography

Natalie, Ryan & Griffin: Tualatin Family Photography

Griffin was turning six months old, and Natalie was excited to have some family photos taken. We did this Tualatin family photography session at their beautiful home. We started in his adorable bedroom and then moved to their living room. Little Griffin was so curious...
Amber & Ben + Twins First Birthday!

Amber & Ben + Twins First Birthday!

What’s better than twins? Twins having a birthday, of course! Quinn and Vera turned one year old, and there was a party, full of fun for all. Yes, even for the grown-ups–just wait. 🙂 Amber & Ben hosted the twins’ first birthday party at their...
Toddler Headshot Photography

Toddler Headshot Photography

Hey look, it’s twin time! My favorite! 🙂 These little dudes are ready for their close-ups. 🙂 I met Denisha and her husband Carletus through our local twins club, before they had their babies. They are so warm and lovely, inside and out, and I just loved chatting...
5 Tips for Taking Pictures with your kids

5 Tips for Taking Pictures with your kids

I love every article I come across that reminds and reassures women that they should be in photos with their children. It’s so, so important to be present, in life and in visual documentation. That’s just one of the reasons I believe so strongly in...
Erin & Bryan: Apple Orchard Family Photography

Erin & Bryan: Apple Orchard Family Photography

I am so excited to share this session! It was basically perfect and amazing. This was my third shoot with Erin & Bryan’s wonderful family–the first was a year prior at the Arboretum, and then the second was Avery’s newborn session at their home....
Lydia & Joe: Garden Family Photography

Lydia & Joe: Garden Family Photography

Lydia & Joe celebrated their 5 year anniversary and their son Greyson’s first birthday last summer! It was a perfect time to have their first family photo session. They’ve got a ton going on, but they know how important it is to capture all of them...
Crystal Springs Baby Photography:

Crystal Springs Baby Photography:

Jenn & Raghavan moved to Portland last year, from Colorado, along with their baby Rishi. They’ve been busy raising a baby, enjoying the foodie culture of Portland, and exploring town. I met with them on a weekend morning at the Crystal Springs Rhododendron...
Why In-Home Lifestyle Newborn Photography?

Why In-Home Lifestyle Newborn Photography?

  Why newborn photography? The newborn phase is such a beautiful and fleeting time! It’s a really wonderful time to have professional photos taken, because new babies change SO much in such a short time. (For new parents, the time can feel very long indeed,...
Portland In-Home Baby and Family Photography: Melissa

Portland In-Home Baby and Family Photography: Melissa

Oh, what a fun session this was! I think you’ll agree that this family is beautiful. Melissa was about to head back to work after her maternity leave, and realized that she wanted photos of their second baby, Lauren. They’d had newborn photos done with...
Portland Lifestyle Newborn Photography: Avery

Portland Lifestyle Newborn Photography: Avery

Look at the sweet snuggly baby! This at-home newborn session was so special–it was the second time I had the privilege of photographing this family. We did a fall session when there were still only three family members–remember the adorable and energetic...
Portland Infant Photography: Robbie’s 6 month photos

Portland Infant Photography: Robbie’s 6 month photos

I dare you not to reach through the screen and pinch little Robbie’s cheeks! Goodness, isn’t he just the cutest? I met Beth and Jon at Wallace Park in Northwest Portland for Robbie’s six-month photo session. Their two dogs joined us for a few shots...
Baby Cedric: Portland In-Home Newborn Photography

Baby Cedric: Portland In-Home Newborn Photography

One of the first things I learned at Emi & Ryan’s newborn session is that baby Cedric was born into a very crafty family: Emi knitted this beautiful golden yellow sweater and matching booties for him, and I believe she made her own top as well. Her mom made...

Lee Farms Multiples Photography, Part 1

As you know, I have twin toddler boys. Our family belongs to a Portland area twins & multiples group called Full House Moms, which has been a wonderful resource for us over the past two years. In November, I did a special daylong event just for fellow multiples...
Reed College Family Photography: Stefanie & Michael

Reed College Family Photography: Stefanie & Michael

Oh my goodness, this is such a cute session–I’m excited to share it! Meet little Miles. He’s six months old, and he is a happy, ADORABLE baby with big blue eyes! I had such a great time photographing him. Aren’t babies awesome? 🙂  Stefanie and...