You probably know what I’m going to say. But here it is:
Mamas, get in the picture with your kiddos! Hand the camera (or the phone; whatever you’ve got) to your partner or a stranger (or set up a gorillapod), grab your babies, and smile.
Too many times, the mothers are the ones snapping away of just the kids, or the kids with daddy. Too many times, moms demur and don’t feel good about themselves and avoid the camera at all costs. But you know what? You deserve to have a photo of just you and your precious children. The children deserve a picture of them with their beloved mom. Even if they don’t behave for the picture, and scream and squirm – who cares. This isn’t for a magazine, and it doesn’t even have to be for Facebook; it’s for you. Get you all in the picture. TOGETHER. It will be priceless for all of you in years to come.
So please feel free to also ask for a day to sleep in (my other favorite ‘gift’ to get!), or coupons for chores, or a nice dinner out, or a nice piece of jewelry. (Or a professional family photo session!) But the best present of all is simply a picture of a mother with her children.